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Siempre que se comienza a trabajar una idea en la mente, le preceden muchas pruebas, errores y otros resultados que tienen potencial para ser retrabajados hasta lograr aquello que tenemos en mente.

Este Camino de ensayo y error es como un camino de migajas hacia el destino final.

Siempre he aceptado muy bien estos errores y los he convertido en mi reto, creo que es un juego para mi esta investigación exhaustiva como si fuese una loca de laboratorio de las películas mas chistosas.

En la imagen mi última pieza "Barquito de Papel" Utilice varias técnicas de esmaltado para eso fue necesario diferentes quemas o quemas en capas.

Siempre parto de alguna imagen que tengo en mi mente y pocas veces la coloco en un pequeño dibujo.

Debo confesar que últimamente sucede diferente, he recurrido a mis dibujos como primer paso para luego hacerlas en cerámica.

La mayoría de mis dibujos son en mi libreta privada, muy pocas veces los dibujos los muestro y generalmente son en lápiz. Alguno de ellos son solo rayones o trazos perdidos.

Este pequeño dibujo lo hice en un pedacito de papel que me había sobrado anteriormente de otro dibujo y mientras veía la Tv rayaba esa hojita y tenia mis rotuladores cerca, en ese momento sabia que se convertiría en una pieza a desarrollar.

La idea sigue rondando en las esquinas del "jardín Secreto" Siento que ese jardín secreto es infinito como la imaginación de los niños.

A medida que avanzo en la figura fui tomando decisiones de aquello que quería proyectar.

Una pieza colorida que floreciera en muchos colores en la imaginación del observador.

No utilizo muchas técnicas o herramientas especiales para esculpir, mis manos son las básicas y luego tengo 3 herramientas tipo espátulas que son mis preferidas.

Le doy tiempo al barro para poder trabajar sutilmente con el a medida que va secando.

Elabore un dibujo a lápiz y rotulador para poder proyectar mejor lo que deseaba ver en el cuerpo de la pieza.

Pase meses, muchos meses haciendo pequeñas pruebas para ilustrar piezas, una vez me sentí segura solo restaba tener la pieza ideal y esa ilustración ideal.

Me subi en el barquito de la imaginación, de la aventura y me dispuse a intentarlo.

Para complementar la pieza le cree su propio barquito de papel y la cubrí con Hoja de oro después de quema.

Me gusta mucho las piezas en tono opaco pero para esta pieza he combinado opacos, brillantes y un poco de estructura.

Me sentí muy satisfecha por los resultados obtenidos.

Objeto complementario en ceramica "Barco de Papel con detalle de hoja de oro"

"Barquito de Papel" 2023. Cerámica y hoja de oro.

KunstHaus Rapp. Suiza

12 visualizaciones

People ask me a lot about my creative time, how it begins? where came all the ideas from? when ? what do I think?

They want me to give some path of creations tips.

Well, I have so little to say because that comes so naturally in me that I can't put it into words.

I could describe myself a little and maybe will help you to get an idea.

Every person has to discover its owns ways of blooming, to say it so.

Creation has funnies ways to find a realization form.

Creation can be found on deepest relaxation moments or it can be from happy days to non so happy days.

On my video named Process Stories I talk about what we are.

I asked myself oft, what am I? and the answer so far to myself its that I am just a memory storage of experiences, of love, of sounds, smells...

Im often thinking about emotions, how it works inside us and how emotions reflects into our actions.

Im not a big traveler... places to places... but im a traveler when im running, meditating and observing. Because im a curious one... I take pictures, I take an emotion and live it in every perspectives. We all are different, so are the reactions of this emotions. Find something in you, or in nature and feel it... let this emotion tells you an Storie.

Things have changed inside of me, maybe the pressure of not be what I want to.. sometimes this got me distracted. So, I think that happens a lot to many of us, life isn't easy, bills has to get paid and nothing comes for free. But even in this situation it can be very useful at the time of creation. But how it is this possible? because we are into an specific emotion feeling. Work it out! it can be turn into amazing things!!!

We are just emotions and emotions can be expressed in art.

So take an emotion and spend some time with it. Work it; feel it...

Im working at the moment with this idea of an workshops on line..maybe not online...

This are Ma'Pipol (My people) Funny people made of an easy way of construction, it can be done for a non experienced person, its fun and beautiful at the same time.

im just dealing with the "payment" issue, cause im not that modern... ha! can you believe this??? I do live in Switzerland and I am not that modern!!! It happens :-P

This is Clay ( ceramic clay) and you can make your own YOU!!!!

Im so happy to share my ideas with You!!!

Don't miss it!!

its going to be amaziiiiiing!!!!

We will do something to be happy for!

See You! Share if you liked it... and thanks in advance!

9 visualizaciones

Actualizado: 21 nov 2021

NEW VIBES, NEW TALENTS. This amazing exhibition of 8 artist its happening at the prestigious Galerie KunstHaus Rapp with Vivarte online.


This amazing serie was created to take you right to a dream whimsical place where peace, joy and beautiful emotions emerge from inside us.

I had take my time to explore many emotions and make them bloom into some pieces that will make you smile with some innocence.

I Remember that I took my pair of running shoes after a beautiful sunnrise and said to my self : What are we? What moves us at the end? and I was answering myself things like ...we are love, we are passion, we are success, we are our angry or maybe nostalgic moments... And that's it!!! All of this things are just Emotions! that's what we are!

We collect moments but in shapes of emotions... we can remember a smell but that will be at the end an attached emotion in it.

Then I Clay, clay and clay all this emotions and its still coming, I was call on a afternoon to participate with 7 more artist, I was the only one with Ceramics and I just couldn't say no, without thinking to much I said YES! im In!!!... This was a very in time moment. I hope you make to see this amazing work because its so Worth it!

This is my very first blog... so, im accepting some advices of what you would like to read the next time!

Bye for now!

Do it with passion because ....we all feel it and its amazing!

24 visualizaciones
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